So, following the last conversation, I had another conversation with SW.... =============================== 本週日 [中午 11:30AM] 公館華神麻辣火鍋, 請大家告訴大家! RSVP, PLEASE! (死Mark, 你給偶記志! >"<) -- [娃] 說:" (after one minute reading my previous post of the conversation with Annie...) SmallWei 說: haha.. funny SmallWei 說: you know..... i think women like pigs [娃] 說: = =+ SmallWei 說: this is what i found out SmallWei 說: 1. women like to be treated special. SmallWei 說: so, you hope your bf treat you like a princess SmallWei 說: which means... he needs to be a pig for other girls. SmallWei 說: you see.... otherwise, women don't feel special.. and will get upset. SmallWei 說: so, if a man treat all girls nice, and treat his gf nice too, his gf will get piss off and mad. SmallWei 說: unfortunately ... men are pigs, women want pigs, women love pigs [娃] 說: I'm his older sister, for goodness's sake! = =+ SmallWei 說: haha... i'm just saying mah... hee hee...
So, I changed my MSN nickname to: "本週日 [中午 11:30AM] 公館華神麻辣火鍋, 請大家告訴大家! RSVP, PLEASE! (死Mark, 你給偶記志! >"<) -- [娃]" And here's my conversation with Annie.... 一.一 ============================= Annie 說: why r you mad at Mark? [娃] 說: because you contacted me and him to coordinate the meeting, and he's not doing anything!! = =+ [娃] 說: He's just like... "oh... so... we'll just get everybody out to eat a dinner or something....."
Annie 說: c c... that's very Mark Annit 說: just remember, you're his cous, not gf [娃] 說: = = that just makes me madder! Because that just shows that all men are pigs, and they have double standards to treating girls! Annie 說: c c.... you just found out? [娃] 說: urgh..... no... but I try to forget about it each time I realized it... = =+ Annie 說: typical woman [娃] 說: man.... = =+
This is just a place to share my own thoughts and experiences, nothing special, and nothing deep. I guess you can say it's a lazy girl's way of keeping in touch with friends around the world, lor! ^^~ (Oh yeah, I am the girl who doesn't grow up! XD)
I'm just a normal Taiwanese girl. Sometimes people say I'm smart, and sometimes I believe that it's true; but other times I am sure I'm so incredibly stupid that can't figure out why! @.@ I guess the conclusion is, that I'm contradictory, and you'll have to figure out what I am yourself! XD