061112 Sonia+Waaa @ Warner Village TPE

Sonia+Waaa (Warner Village TPE) 06-11-11 02
Originally uploaded by QT Sushi.
Last weekend Sonia came to Taipei for some classes and stayed with me overnight.
We had some great steak at Daimond Tony's Italian Restaurant (隨意鳥地方) in the 101 Building, walked around the 信義商圈, chatted about whatever came to mind and had some fun with the new generation 槌地鼠 machine (remembering our good old high school years~)... XD
Because I forgot to bring my digicam, these two pictures were taken with my cell phone (red ASUS J102) at its highest resolution... That's why the quality is so bad.... Orz We wanted to take some pix in the restaurant, but the lighting was too low to have any clear shots at all, which is unfortunate because the food was really, really good..... XP~~~~~
(There's a reason why I was taking pictures with a Pikachu... But if I tell ya, I'm gonna have to keel ya~ XD)