Time for Some Laughs Again~~ XD
Even though I haven't received any comments on my JIN and KAT-TUN posts this past month... *sob sob sob* I'm still going to post some fun stuff to share with everybody.... I don't know how everybody's been doing lately... Whether there are some depressing or exciting things happening in your life, or if there's really nothing interesting going on... I hope these at least give you a few laughs, neh! They sure did make me laugh out loud when I was watching them during lunch break at work!!! >__________<~
◎ The Clinic Skit - Part 1 ◎
◎ The Clinic Skit - Part 2 ◎
◎ The Family Skit - 帶來幸福的黃色頭盔 ◎
◎ Care (Jin) + Precious One (KT) - (050619 少俱) ◎
Ok, ok~~~ Of course I have to again put in a song by my cute JIN and KAT-TUN!! But this still goes along with today's title... Because these two songs are ballads that have great melody and healing, encouraging lyrics! I was first attracted to KAT-TUN's Rock style songs and dance performances, but after reading these lyrics, they really touched my heart, neh... The melodies are both really beautiful as well!! I hope they touch and encourage you as well! Please check them out! If you are down, listening to these two songs would surely cheer you up, neh... ^______^~ (It's a pity that I couldn't find a clip of this performance with better sound... Please do turn the volume up in order to hear it better, neh.... O_O)
I have shared JIN's "care" before, but because these two songs being performed together is so beautiful, I just hope more of you guys try to listen to them, neh... And below are the Chinese translations of the lyrics for your better understandking, lor! ^^"
【歌詞中文翻譯】 care
詞: 赤西 仁 譯: luvjin
原文出處:★ 熊姊の赤西仁專屬網誌 ★
在習慣與謊言中 背負著沒用的愛戀
被時間追趕 變得不想再繼續的那天
經過多年 回想起的時候
遺忘的記憶和現在 好像偶然的重疊了
擁有太多重要的東西 使得如今舉步為艱
誰都一樣 我們總有一天
被打倒時 拿出前進的力量
在度過的每一天中 總會失去些什麼
這樣的自己所伸出與你牽著的手 不要放開
比方說 你若受傷
愛著你的人 無論多少次也能把傷痕撫平
疲憊時 依靠著我的那天
無論是怎樣的你 我也會緊緊的擁抱
誰都一樣 我們總有一天
被打倒時 拿出前進的力量
【歌詞中文翻譯】 precious one
作詞:新 美香,白井裕紀 作曲:三上吉直
編曲:ha-j (官方翻譯 EMI Music)
Time goes by 我們 反覆著多少次的相遇與分離
Here I am 依靠著誰的溫柔 而錯失了些什麼
現在 細數著逝去的季節 獨自一人的夜晚在想些什麼?
Sometime 有時不知為何 壓迫胸口的 loneliness
I don’t want to be all alone 多麼悲傷
One day 總有一天 會找到的 precious one
抬起頭看看天空 妳看 又一顆 shining star
Tell me why 為什麼 我們會如此渴求愛情呢?
Ahh... 星空是誠實的 溫柔地點綴著閃耀的星空
Somewhere 在某處 最重要的 only one
You’re not all alone anymore 妳並非孤獨一人
Someday 有一天會相遇 命運的 someone you’ll love
只要稍微去注意 看吧 那個人就在妳身邊
即使 million years 時光流逝
We never change, No worries, You’ll be alright
Your precious only one 一定會相遇的
One day you’ll find 在這地球上 I believe in love
Sometime 有時不知為何 壓迫胸口的 loneliness
I don’t want to be all alone 多麼悲傷
Somewhere 在某處 最重要的 only one
You’re not all alone anymore 妳並非孤獨一人
Someday 有一天會相遇 命運的 someone you’ll love
只要稍微去注意 看吧 那個人就在妳身邊
You’ll meet your only one
Somewhere 在某處 最重要的 only one
You’re not all alone anymore 妳並非孤獨一人
Sometime 有時不知為何 壓迫胸口的 loneliness
I don’t want to be all alone
◎ The Clinic Skit - Part 1 ◎
◎ The Clinic Skit - Part 2 ◎
◎ The Family Skit - 帶來幸福的黃色頭盔 ◎
◎ Care (Jin) + Precious One (KT) - (050619 少俱) ◎
Ok, ok~~~ Of course I have to again put in a song by my cute JIN and KAT-TUN!! But this still goes along with today's title... Because these two songs are ballads that have great melody and healing, encouraging lyrics! I was first attracted to KAT-TUN's Rock style songs and dance performances, but after reading these lyrics, they really touched my heart, neh... The melodies are both really beautiful as well!! I hope they touch and encourage you as well! Please check them out! If you are down, listening to these two songs would surely cheer you up, neh... ^______^~ (It's a pity that I couldn't find a clip of this performance with better sound... Please do turn the volume up in order to hear it better, neh.... O_O)
I have shared JIN's "care" before, but because these two songs being performed together is so beautiful, I just hope more of you guys try to listen to them, neh... And below are the Chinese translations of the lyrics for your better understandking, lor! ^^"
【歌詞中文翻譯】 care
詞: 赤西 仁 譯: luvjin
原文出處:★ 熊姊の赤西仁專屬網誌 ★
在習慣與謊言中 背負著沒用的愛戀
被時間追趕 變得不想再繼續的那天
經過多年 回想起的時候
遺忘的記憶和現在 好像偶然的重疊了
擁有太多重要的東西 使得如今舉步為艱
誰都一樣 我們總有一天
被打倒時 拿出前進的力量
在度過的每一天中 總會失去些什麼
這樣的自己所伸出與你牽著的手 不要放開
比方說 你若受傷
愛著你的人 無論多少次也能把傷痕撫平
疲憊時 依靠著我的那天
無論是怎樣的你 我也會緊緊的擁抱
誰都一樣 我們總有一天
被打倒時 拿出前進的力量
【歌詞中文翻譯】 precious one
作詞:新 美香,白井裕紀 作曲:三上吉直
編曲:ha-j (官方翻譯 EMI Music)
Time goes by 我們 反覆著多少次的相遇與分離
Here I am 依靠著誰的溫柔 而錯失了些什麼
現在 細數著逝去的季節 獨自一人的夜晚在想些什麼?
Sometime 有時不知為何 壓迫胸口的 loneliness
I don’t want to be all alone 多麼悲傷
One day 總有一天 會找到的 precious one
抬起頭看看天空 妳看 又一顆 shining star
Tell me why 為什麼 我們會如此渴求愛情呢?
Ahh... 星空是誠實的 溫柔地點綴著閃耀的星空
Somewhere 在某處 最重要的 only one
You’re not all alone anymore 妳並非孤獨一人
Someday 有一天會相遇 命運的 someone you’ll love
只要稍微去注意 看吧 那個人就在妳身邊
即使 million years 時光流逝
We never change, No worries, You’ll be alright
Your precious only one 一定會相遇的
One day you’ll find 在這地球上 I believe in love
Sometime 有時不知為何 壓迫胸口的 loneliness
I don’t want to be all alone 多麼悲傷
Somewhere 在某處 最重要的 only one
You’re not all alone anymore 妳並非孤獨一人
Someday 有一天會相遇 命運的 someone you’ll love
只要稍微去注意 看吧 那個人就在妳身邊
You’ll meet your only one
Somewhere 在某處 最重要的 only one
You’re not all alone anymore 妳並非孤獨一人
Sometime 有時不知為何 壓迫胸口的 loneliness
I don’t want to be all alone
ehlo...!! okay.. i am feelin very bored in the middle of the night.. so i decided to become a busy body and look at your profile (along with some others) and found that u've got blog..
ah actually i haven read any of the entries.. oppx
but.. u said no one commented on ur kat-tun /jin posts this month..
so here i am contributing a comment...
JIN 好帅啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!!
here's a picture to prove my point (although not necessary)
oppx.. btw, i am luvnickie from baka no sekai... wuhahahah!!!!!
missstupid, at Friday, April 28, 2006 8:37:00 AM
oppx.. i realise i got a super embarrassing display name missstupid.. dunno what went through my mind when i picked that name.. wuhaha
ermz my blogger name is nicer murasaki_jin.. wuhahah but i dun use blogspot.. so its empty...
continue to gush about how cute is jin...
ah u know how do i prevent myself from falling asleep in the middle of the night (course i need to revise for exam?)
watch jin's solo perf..
immediatedly 惊醒
missstupid, at Friday, April 28, 2006 8:42:00 AM
You girls are soooooooo sweet~~~ >w<
Thanks so much for the comments~~~
And thanks more for the picture.... You got my nosebleed running again... That pic sure would be really effective in waking you up.... XD
Did you make it? O_O
Cutie Sushi, at Friday, April 28, 2006 7:48:00 PM
nah.. didnt make that myself.. wuhaha if only i know how to use photoshop.. but then i would probably nosebleed while making.,. which is not very good for my health..
that wall paper i got it from pv guan...
i zipped up those fanciful wallpapers that i have.. of kat-tun (mostly jin)
ermz.. but be warned.. lossa walla papers in there that will send u nosebleedin right away
wuhaha i enjoy making pple other than me nosebleed
missstupid, at Saturday, April 29, 2006 12:26:00 AM
Hmm... missstupid doesn't seem stupid, neh...
But, mah~ JIN's wallpapers are bound to make people nosebleed...
Thanks so much for the collection, neh~~~ I can't wait to check them out~~ XD
Cutie Sushi, at Saturday, April 29, 2006 1:02:00 AM
* Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh~~~~~~ *
You killed me with those wallpapers~~~~~~ excessive loss of blood.... * faint *
Sooooooooooo pweeeeeeetiiiieeeee~~~~~
Do you know who made these? It seems that she likes to use butterfly a lot with JIN, neh? Really, really talented.... |||Orz (五體投地ing)
Can I send these to others? >w<
Cutie Sushi, at Saturday, April 29, 2006 1:11:00 AM
ermz.. i dunno those pple who made those wallpapers personally.. haha just got them from th forum..
i guess its okay to send to others like PM or sth :) just maybe dun [pst them in forums.. haha course i think they took effort in making them.. and may not like pple just postin their wall papers else where..
PM should be okay i guess.. since they already put their logos there..
wuhahah i am glad u like those pictures..
i am usin one of the woohoo pic of jin as my wall paper..
as a result.. i feel very 幸福whenever i switch on my comp.. wuhaha!
missstupid, at Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:28:00 AM
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