Path to Pigginess
This is just a record of how Sushi the Cutie went down the Path to Pigginess:
October, 15 (Sat) --
lunch: 同事喜宴 (ate a lot, finished around 3PM, NT2,xxx in 紅包 XD)
dinner: 春日 日式料理 (ate 砂鍋魚頭火鍋+握壽司+魚肝salad, Christine's treat, NT1,800 for 5 XD)
October, 16 (Sun) --
lunch: Gintako ( ate 章魚丸 x 8 + 抹茶 x 1杯 ave. NT150)
dinner: 廣東粥 (ate 香菇瘦肉粥 x 1, NT50)
October, 17 (Mon) --
breakfast: 日式菠蘿麵包 x 1
lunch: 排骨麵
dinner: 一番亭 (ate 豚骨白湯拉麵 w/ 半熟蛋, NT150 ) + 東區粉圓 (ate 剉冰 w/ 粉圓, 芋圓, 地瓜圓, 芋頭, NT45)
October 18, (Tue) --
breakfast: 溫州街口蘿蔔絲餅 (ate 蘿蔔絲餅 x 1 + 蔥油餅 x 1, NT 35)
lunch: 壽司便當 + 7-11 關東煮湯
dinner: 柚子一顆
October 19, (Wed) --
breakfast: 大蒜麵包一條 + Starbucks Grande Latte
lunch: 便當 -- 泰式加哩雞飯
dinner: 麻辣鴨血 + 鴉片粉圓 (to be eaten XP~ *drooling*)
October, 15 (Sat) --
lunch: 同事喜宴 (ate a lot, finished around 3PM, NT2,xxx in 紅包 XD)
dinner: 春日 日式料理 (ate 砂鍋魚頭火鍋+握壽司+魚肝salad, Christine's treat, NT1,800 for 5 XD)
October, 16 (Sun) --
lunch: Gintako ( ate 章魚丸 x 8 + 抹茶 x 1杯 ave. NT150)
dinner: 廣東粥 (ate 香菇瘦肉粥 x 1, NT50)
October, 17 (Mon) --
breakfast: 日式菠蘿麵包 x 1
lunch: 排骨麵
dinner: 一番亭 (ate 豚骨白湯拉麵 w/ 半熟蛋, NT150 ) + 東區粉圓 (ate 剉冰 w/ 粉圓, 芋圓, 地瓜圓, 芋頭, NT45)
October 18, (Tue) --
breakfast: 溫州街口蘿蔔絲餅 (ate 蘿蔔絲餅 x 1 + 蔥油餅 x 1, NT 35)
lunch: 壽司便當 + 7-11 關東煮湯
dinner: 柚子一顆
October 19, (Wed) --
breakfast: 大蒜麵包一條 + Starbucks Grande Latte
lunch: 便當 -- 泰式加哩雞飯
dinner: 麻辣鴨血 + 鴉片粉圓 (to be eaten XP~ *drooling*)
hmmm sushi....
i am troubled by your post...
sophia, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:28:00 PM
You are genuinely worried that you won't be able to recognize me next time you see me, right? @.@|||
Cutie Sushi, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:13:00 AM
Actually, I ended up having "柚子一顆" again for yesterday's dinner... It was an afternoon snack at the office provided by the boss... and I was pretty stuffed because I ate my Guatemalan co-worker's portion as well, so I didn't go have 麻辣鴨血 after all... so... my craving hasn't been quenched yet... ~"~
Wanna go this weekend... maybe just have Spicy Hot Pot... XP~
Cutie Sushi, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:41:00 PM
i did not have breakfast this morning, and i am deadhungry hungry!!!
flyingufooo, at Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:41:00 AM
Urgh.. sorry for you, neh, 'cuz...
I had 2 halves of 2 bread (= 1 big bread) + 7-11 coffee this morning. Then we are having 頂呱呱 Combo Meals for lunch right now... I am sooooooooo~~~~ full right now... deadfull... XD
(hope you've had something to eat by now?)
Cutie Sushi, at Tuesday, October 25, 2005 12:51:00 PM
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