家裡沒大人啦! XD
今天家裡沒大人啦! XD
全公司租巴士去台中自由活動: 參觀 農藥所 跟 興農公司的銷售中心....
所以..... 呼呼呼~~ 家裡沒大人囉! 小老鼠都跑出來玩囉! XD
我 還帶了看了兩個月還沒看完的 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 來看,早上就偷上WEB MSN,每隔一段時間就跑去對面跟另一個女生聊聊天,抱怨一下有多無聊、多想睡、早上吃多飽 (早上我們兩個都照習慣地買了早餐要來公司吃,結果發現同事有人有留一人一個飯糰給我們,外加一些糕糕餅餅什麼的... 中午打算不吃了,到現在還是脹的呢! XD) 等等... 總之,就是打算混掉這一天了... XD
當然啦,公事還是有做一下啦,不過要我在空蕩蕩的辦公室認真拼命做事... 嘿嘿,很難吧... XD 下午 Sophia 還說要拿 珍珠奶茶 來孝敬呢! 花哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~ XD
因 為中文版的 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 十月一號要出版了,為了不讓別人笑我說早了好幾個月拿到書,卻比她們慢看完,所以我這幾天比較有在乖乖看了... (通常是睡覺前看個幾章) 現在已經進入最後三分之ㄧ,最精采的部份囉! 這幾天晚上還看得蠻興奮的,幾度欲罷不能呢! XD
全公司租巴士去台中自由活動: 參觀 農藥所 跟 興農公司的銷售中心....
所以..... 呼呼呼~~ 家裡沒大人囉! 小老鼠都跑出來玩囉! XD
我 還帶了看了兩個月還沒看完的 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 來看,早上就偷上WEB MSN,每隔一段時間就跑去對面跟另一個女生聊聊天,抱怨一下有多無聊、多想睡、早上吃多飽 (早上我們兩個都照習慣地買了早餐要來公司吃,結果發現同事有人有留一人一個飯糰給我們,外加一些糕糕餅餅什麼的... 中午打算不吃了,到現在還是脹的呢! XD) 等等... 總之,就是打算混掉這一天了... XD
當然啦,公事還是有做一下啦,不過要我在空蕩蕩的辦公室認真拼命做事... 嘿嘿,很難吧... XD 下午 Sophia 還說要拿 珍珠奶茶 來孝敬呢! 花哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~ XD
因 為中文版的 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 十月一號要出版了,為了不讓別人笑我說早了好幾個月拿到書,卻比她們慢看完,所以我這幾天比較有在乖乖看了... (通常是睡覺前看個幾章) 現在已經進入最後三分之ㄧ,最精采的部份囉! 這幾天晚上還看得蠻興奮的,幾度欲罷不能呢! XD
sushi 阿
就沒在復興南路轉 :p
sophia, at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 7:11:00 PM
Ha ha.. can't help you with that... XD
BTW, I have TONS of work to do today... Payment for my relaxation yesterday? >"< There are several big things that I won't be able to finish in the time they asked me... Because we are going to have 壽喜燒 tonight, I will leave around 6:30PM, but I will definitely need to stay late tomorrow night... ~"~
Cutie Sushi, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:21:00 PM
that sounds like a wonderful day...i like to stay at school when there is no one around, too!
flyingufooo, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 8:42:00 AM
urgh... staying at school (or office) when there is no one around is only fun when you are not there to do work and it seems like you will never be able to finish them... >< I wouldn't mind staying at the office if I had nothing to do... -.- But as it is, I only stay late when there is very urgent and important things I need to do by the end of that day... So I guess I won't have any happy experience here... = ="
Cutie Sushi, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 10:05:00 AM
testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...
(Don't mind me, I'm just testing Blogger... having some problems with it... Firefox keeps shutting down when I try to open the blogger main page.. ~"~)
Cutie Sushi, at Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:34:00 AM
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