Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince....
話說, 我姊有誠品會員卡, 而且誠品會員網路購物又有優惠... 我在六月初就已經用我姊的帳號訂購嚕英國成人版了...
為啥是英國成人版? 因為英國兒童版當時已訂購一空, 再加上美國版的書很大本佔位置, 還有, 我的第五集是我姊買給我的, 也是英國成人版... 買一樣的比較整齊... (喜歡一套的東西... 是癖好嗎? = =")
雖然其實我是比較想要買美國平裝版, 1-4集都是在美國買的平裝版... 但那還要很久以後才會出... 以前在美國是在書店看完精裝版的書, 等到平裝版出了才買... XD
Anyways, 我是有重點的... = ="
重點就是, 台灣的網路購物真的很方便!
我是選擇在便利商店拿書並便利商店代收錢.. 這樣你不用擔心信用卡個人資料等安全的問題, 又不用繳運費... 比宅配還好, 因為便利商店就在家門口幾乎等於宅配了, 我又可以找自己方便的時間去領不需要擔心上班時間寄到我收不到... 總之... 這是在台灣才有的方便生活細節! ^^~
7/16出書當天, 我家樓下的 全家便利商店 就會收到, 我直接去付錢跟領書就可以了... 好笑的是: 我興高采烈地可以很快拿到書, 上週末卻回台中去嚕... 先前沒有注意到7/16是星期六啦! (昏倒) 所以是等到星期天晚上回台北後才去領嚕...
但是, 這書還真大本啊... = ="
又是精裝版的... 害我沒有辦法用一隻手拿著翻閱, 更沒有辦法像平常一樣放在包包裡, 每天帶著趴趴走, 隨時隨地拿出來啃... 這是最麻煩的事吧... 所以我也沒有辦法利用上班路上坐公車的時間看了... 害我現在只看到第30頁... 囧rz
看完再說心得吧... 哈哈...
第四集電影也很期待, 十一月感恩節期間會上映... 但是很好奇他們怎麼把那麼大一本書拍成一部電影 @.@|||... 據說接下來的5-7集也打算繼續用原班人馬拍, 蠻高興的, 希望可以順利捏... >"<
The Official Harry Potter Website -- Warner Brothers website for the movies
The Leaky Cauldron -- A pretty comprehensive site (just found it on Google!)
The Harry Potter Lexicon -- Another interesting-looking resourse site from Google
Amazon.com "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" Page
誠品網路書店 HP6 Page -- 我買的是這個版本 ^^"
what's the difference between adult version and child version? Is it like rated R and PG-13? Why not just print one version for all? Like, "one size fits all".
By kenny, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:57:00 PM
i like sushi's post. danio has been getting me intersted about HP.
sushi explain 平裝版 & 完精裝版 & other versions. i don't quite understand.
By sophia, at Friday, July 22, 2005 12:03:00 AM
Answering questions one-by-one:
1. Yes, Steve... the online stores have contracts with certain chain convenient stores and when you place the order and select to pick-up / payment at a convenient store, they will take you to a system where you select the convenient store from a list that is best for you.
2. Different versions: From what I know, there are only three versions so far... It's not that the contents is different or censored in any way, lah... All of the versions should have exactly the same contents, unless there are some very very minor spelling differences between British English and American English (I am not sure the American version would change these either...). The difference is mainly in the packaging, that is, the size of the pages, the fonts, and most obviously, the illustrations.
The American version is printed and distributed by a different publisher than the British publishers, and they only have one version or one packaging for all. However, the British publisher has published an additional "Adult" version or I should say, "Adult packaging" with no illustration in the pages and with more "mature-looking" cover design than the children's version. You should be able to tell once you see the pictures of the books on the websites or on TV.
The main reason you guys get confused about the different versions is because there is only the American version in the US, so you would only have seen that version of packaging and not seen either of the British versions unless you paid a lot of attention to the news about the books in England.
3. 平裝版 (paperback) v.s. 精裝版 (hardback)... I am not sure about whether or not the British publisher usually print a paperback version of the books, but the American publisher will always print a paperback version of the books after the books have been out for a while (usually several months)... What I did before when I first started reading the HP books was that when the book was out, I would go to Barnes and Nobles on Rt. 355 and sit and read the book there (several chapters each time, and maybe a couple of times a week, finishing the book in a while.), but I would not buy the hardback because it is too large and too expensive. Then, after a while, when the paperback version came out, I would buy it then and sometimes re-read it again at that time.
I hope the above long explanations is clear enough? XD
By Cutie Sushi, at Friday, July 22, 2005 11:12:00 PM
man..sushi is so thorough. what a friend.. and the lins are so funnie by asking funnie random questions..
By danio, at Saturday, July 23, 2005 6:00:00 AM
egh... Danio.. Thanks for your compliment, neh.. XD
I like to think of myself as "thorough"... But it usually feel like 囉唆 and nagging to others... XD
But seriously... I really do tend to go on and on... it's because I don't seem to be able to write or speak in a very concise and to-the-point way... ~'~
By Cutie Sushi, at Monday, July 25, 2005 1:56:00 PM
so all i picked up from sushi's long answer is she sat at bn on 355 and read hp (that she did not buy) when it is out in hardcover until she finish and then later buys the softcover when it out. wowwwwwwwwww i call that dedication.
By sophia, at Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:16:00 AM
i don't get it..
what's up with this pottor thing....
i don't get it..
don't get it..
why so popular????
By smallwei, at Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:49:00 PM
Urgh... Why is it so hard to get? @.@"
If you realize that most people in the world have a set of values very different (almost opposite) to the values of the Bible, it should be very easily understandable that a book / story / character that promotes these worldly values would be very popular.
And I guess another reason is that the books are easy reads and the storiy is easy to get into, and that makes children "like" reading while most of the other reading materials haven't been able to cause the same effect.
Of course, part of the hype is further excited by its image as a "trendy" thing... If a lot of the kids are reading it and thinks it is cool, other kids are bound to follow and say that it is cool.. and so on and so forth.. XD
Now you understand?
(The point is, just because you don't like it or don't think it's good, doesn't mean it has no reason to be popular, even though they may not be very honorable or mature reasons... Plus, seeing as you have only watched one or two of the movies... do you think you are a good judge? XD (absolutely no offense meant, neh... @.@))
Me personally, I just look at it as an easy read and fun story, thus, leisure time activity... ^^
By Cutie Sushi, at Thursday, July 28, 2005 11:06:00 AM
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