Rambling 050616
-- I had 炸豬排加哩飯 for lunch this noon... and 麻醬麵 + 溫州大混沌湯 yesterday noon... Finished everything... had some random snacks for dinner...
-- I'm going back to Taichung this weekend. My sister is having her summer vacation and has brought my nephew to stay in Taichung from this weekend to next weekend. I will go back to play with my nephew (since that's all everybody does when he is around! XD). He is seriously a genious!!
-- The other reason I am going back is to celebrate birthday with my sister. Our birthdays are only 4 days apart, and with some 默契, we had already both bought presents for each other that we somehow picked out by ourselves. (Of course, my sister is reaching her big three O this year, but I am, as always, remaining 12! XD) I will be getting a very cute SWATCH, and my sister will be getting a pair of ASO sandals.
-- Originally Mark invited us for a trip to HuaLien with his fellowship friends. However, because it is forecasted to rain throughout the weekend and because I can't find someone to go with me (I am shy, lah~ >\\\\\\\<), I cancelled it and decided to go back to Taichung this week (instead of next week).
The above notes are in reply to the below comment:
"just jot down little thoughts or quick notes to let us know how u r doing! don't worry!!!!! no need to blog super... quantity and quality... always quality!!
By akanie, at 9:03 PM"
They are little thoughts and quick notes... and some updates of my life... But... I don't think there are any "quality" to speak of... ~"~